Sunday, December 25, 2011


"Genius is a side effect. The true event is a haunted mind."
     Sometimes, the things I want to write well up within me and bottleneck. And sometimes it seems as though wanting to write makes it immediately impossible to do so. In striving to imagine, gears grind to a halt.
     And thus, inspiration falters, and dies.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The future is filled with promise...

I, for one, am excited for so many things. Just thinking about the future, and all the things that can be accomplished.

I believe my thoughts are shifting. Most of the my life, I've viewed time as a luxury, something that is not renewable. It is something to be enjoyed. Like a finite indulgence, I've sought to hoard time and to keep it. I've sought to spend time in luxury and idleness, because I felt like that was the ultimate use of time - wasting it when possible. But I'm beginning to realize that is not the case.

Time is money. And if it truly is, what is the best way to spend it? Some splurge with their money, yes. But I think the most important financial decision is a budget, or at the least a savings plan. For instance, I put ten percent of each paycheck into my savings account, and I discipline myself not to dip into that fund. Similarly, time must be portioned to various purposes. First, you must tithe your time. Tithe time for scripture study, for callings and responsibilities to the Lord and to others. Then, pay yourself. Set aside time for personal recreation. Time for movies, games, exercise, music, sports, etc. Then, you need to invest time. Invest it in projects, goals, dreams. Invest it in things that stretch you, or make you grow. Invest it in things that will make you a better person, or more involved in your community/world. Have "irons in the fire".

Right now I have several "irons in the fire". I'm trying to make a short film. It's not a fictional work, more a tribute to someone. I've got several musical projects, various songs I've been working on. Also, I still need to work on that script concept I've had knocking around in my head. Then there are my stories. I've basically abandoned all story ideas in favor of the one that's always at the forefront of my mind. Neverland. That can be glimpsed at this blog here. Then, I have an editing project on illegal immigration, a media review blog, and other various ideas and goals.

I wish college wouldn't give me projects. Obviously, I have enough of my own. And these are only the current ones, there are several other ideas I have, including a musical script, a musical vlog with Beth, and many other story ideas. Can't wait to start work on those.

The future is bright. Carpe diem!