Tuesday, April 26, 2011



Two years off from a quarter of a century. Holy cow.

Today was my birthday. It's strange, probably a continued side effect of the mission, but... it didn't feel like my birthday. I went for a lame run this morning, went to class, then spent the rest of the day performing ignorance-level maintenance on a very important electrical device... the XBOX 360. Electrical engineering is definitely another interest for me. Chalk up another random career possibility. As if I'm not confused enough about my future...

Anyway, in keeping with my love of lists, here's my list for my 23rd birthday...

A. Although I do kind of enjoy my new calling, I will miss teaching each month, and I'll continue to enjoy my new calling as long as people don't tell me to get married, or call me daddy.

B. Being 23 isn't a huge deal, but... it's been kind of a waypoint for me.

C. Cause 23 has always been my favorite and lucky number.

D. Deadlines have been the bane of my existence.

E. Except when they're deadlines for work or church.

F. Forest fires; only you can stop em.

G. Growing up is overrated.

H. Happy endings are often overrated as well; however, we should still strive for them.

I. In case of fire, run around screaming.

J. Just how many times does the Lord have to chastise me before I get it right?

K. "Kill" is another great song by Jimmy Eat World, much like the link I posted above.

L. Life is worth living.

M. My, my, my, what do we have here?

Okay, that list is moderately lame. Let's try a smaller one:

1. Now what should I do? Too many options for a career.

2. I really want to get a phone number from this particular girl. She's a waitress at the IHOP by the stake center. Just scared out of my wits about that one, because it's been SOOOO long since I've asked a girl for her number. Oh well, gotta "gird up my loins" and just do it.

3. I feel the predators circling and closing in...

That is all. Happy birthday to me.

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