Sunday, December 25, 2011


"Genius is a side effect. The true event is a haunted mind."
     Sometimes, the things I want to write well up within me and bottleneck. And sometimes it seems as though wanting to write makes it immediately impossible to do so. In striving to imagine, gears grind to a halt.
     And thus, inspiration falters, and dies.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The future is filled with promise...

I, for one, am excited for so many things. Just thinking about the future, and all the things that can be accomplished.

I believe my thoughts are shifting. Most of the my life, I've viewed time as a luxury, something that is not renewable. It is something to be enjoyed. Like a finite indulgence, I've sought to hoard time and to keep it. I've sought to spend time in luxury and idleness, because I felt like that was the ultimate use of time - wasting it when possible. But I'm beginning to realize that is not the case.

Time is money. And if it truly is, what is the best way to spend it? Some splurge with their money, yes. But I think the most important financial decision is a budget, or at the least a savings plan. For instance, I put ten percent of each paycheck into my savings account, and I discipline myself not to dip into that fund. Similarly, time must be portioned to various purposes. First, you must tithe your time. Tithe time for scripture study, for callings and responsibilities to the Lord and to others. Then, pay yourself. Set aside time for personal recreation. Time for movies, games, exercise, music, sports, etc. Then, you need to invest time. Invest it in projects, goals, dreams. Invest it in things that stretch you, or make you grow. Invest it in things that will make you a better person, or more involved in your community/world. Have "irons in the fire".

Right now I have several "irons in the fire". I'm trying to make a short film. It's not a fictional work, more a tribute to someone. I've got several musical projects, various songs I've been working on. Also, I still need to work on that script concept I've had knocking around in my head. Then there are my stories. I've basically abandoned all story ideas in favor of the one that's always at the forefront of my mind. Neverland. That can be glimpsed at this blog here. Then, I have an editing project on illegal immigration, a media review blog, and other various ideas and goals.

I wish college wouldn't give me projects. Obviously, I have enough of my own. And these are only the current ones, there are several other ideas I have, including a musical script, a musical vlog with Beth, and many other story ideas. Can't wait to start work on those.

The future is bright. Carpe diem!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I have my own mind. I'll say so, if it seems right...

Rush out, out from the center
Not like one side is any better
Stand up as they bend reaching
My best theory is already in me

Well, it's been a little over a month since I last did anything on this blog. So I suppose I'm overdue for some variety of an update. I think I'll talk about recent debit transactions that I have on my bank statement. That'll probably give a good snapshot on my life as of late...
  1. iTunes - Yup, I've been a good boy lately and, rather than downloading free tracks off of questionable sites, I'm actually buying my music... Recent purchases include "The Cello Song" by Steven Sharp Nelson, "Save the Last Dance for Me" by Michael Buble, and "My Best Theory" by Jimmy Eat World, among several others.
  2. Native New Yorker - Ah, that was nice yesterday. Andy, Ian and I got together for the first time since our Cali trip and just chilled. That's what we do. We chill. And eat wings. And talk about the opposite gender, which I'm sure is no surprise, seeing as how our "He-Man Woman Hating Club" has seen a broad and intense shift to the other side of the fence.
  3. QuikTrip - I love you, that is all.
  4. Jamba Juice - There's really not much to say about Jamba Juice, and yet there is a whole lot to say. I keep buying you, Jamba Juice, for a certain young lady, in spite of that one time the Mango-a-go-go happened to "a-go-go" everywhere, especially the ground and including my clothes. Totally worth it.
And... well, let's not delve into the rest of my debit card purchases. Quite embarrassing to see how much I've been eating out lately.

Anyway, life is good. I've got a lot of goals to work and improve on. And, in the immortal words of the great Anonymous, "Where there is idle time, there is room for growth."


School schedule consists of:
ENG 102
Music Theory I
Writing for Online Media
World Religions
Book of Mormon (Institute, obviously)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 29, 2011 6:37 PM (in which i deride the internet's lack of capitalization, re-think my blog name, and insinuate all sorts of untrue things about my life)

Why is my blog called "Life in the Key of G Major"? Honestly, it should be "Ben's Boring Bonanza of Bullet-points (Loosely in List Form)" or something extravagantly dumb like that.

1. I have successfully lost myself again. If anyone finds me, please return to 42 Wallaby Way Sydney, Australia. I require regular exposure to sunlight and sunflower seeds. And don't feed me after midnight.

2. I cannot believe the direction modern English has taken due to the internet and texting. Really people? Is it so hard to capitalize? No. It is not. What is hard and involves capitalization is WrItInG LiK3 ThiZ!! LOL, Jk!!

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't come to the door right now. I'm afraid that in my weakened condition, I could take a nasty spill down the stairs and subject myself to further school absences. You can reach my parents at their places of business. Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your concern for my well-being. Have a nice day!" - Ferris Bueller
3. I learned to play the ukulele last night. It was actually super-easy. I learned some basic songs, such as "I'm Yours", "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", "Stand By Me", "Earth Angel", and some random church hymns. It took me a total of twenty or so minutes to master said instrument. It's true. I have witness(es).

4. This makes my heart happy inside (y'know, where all the valves and chambers are... that place can be happy, too...), for various reasons that I don't understand and should probably hire a psychologist to help me understand:

5. I have needed a break for sooooooooo long... I'm so excited for the trip. Little concerned about the dolls we're having come with us. Guess that makes this trip "Guys and Dolls"... kinda awkward. Just wait til the pics come home, Alayna and Daja. Just wait...

6. I ordered two Alabama shirts a couple weeks ago. Why haven't I heard anything about them? I want my shirts...

7. Is a number that indicates wholeness or completeness. Thus, God rested on the seventh day because his work was complete. Thus also the seven seals in the book of Revelation, and other such random intricacies of religion that are neither important nor related to our eternal salvation.


Saturday, May 7, 2011


I've never really thought it a good idea to blog (or do anything, really, that has to do
with feelings and the expression thereof) after 11 o'clock, but... here I am. Poised over my iPod's pseudo-keyboard prepared to bare my soul to cyberspace. Thankfully, there are few enough people that would read this that I'm not in the least bit worried.

I'm so much worse than people think I am. I know that's typical for most people, because we all see the part of ourselves that no one else knows. Even those who are closest to us (or think they are closest to us) can be fooled into thinking that this person in front of them is real, when in fact they are confronted by a papier-mâché parody of our true selves. We cower behind a facade that we engineer to appeal to others, whether out of fear, desire, or a misplaced sense of perception. That is typical of everyone to some degree or another. But this feels different.

Something was brought to my attention lately: false humility. True humility is, it would seem, very hard to come by. As far as I go, I don't believe I've ever been truly humble in my life. And if I have, those instances were rare, a flash of brilliant lightning in an otherwise dismal landscape. More often I craft a crude and false semblance of humility out of self-deprecation, and self-abuse. By diminishing myself, I mislead myself into thinking that I'm being humble. Delusion is a drug best administered firsthand, it would seem.

False humility. That's me. Whether it's because I feel self-conscious, or to feel more socially acceptable, or even just to get a laugh out of people at my own expense, I partake far too much of false humility. By so doing I diminish my true self. One of my goals this year is to learn more about true humility and how to have it.

Now I didn't jump on here just to rant and rave about false humility. There were a few other reasons. Here's the stereotypical list:

   1. I went and saw Thor. It was really well done. Very entertaining. And though I doubt the writers, directors, and other creative minds realize it, there are actually quite a few gospel truths embedded in that movie. The biggest one I could see was Thor himself. He is exactly like mankind. He begins very arrogant, prideful, and impatient. Because of this, he makes a huge mistake, and is cast out of his father's presence. He's stripped of his powers and privileges, reduced to a mortal being. However, his hammer is placed nearby, with the possibility of him receiving his power back, but ONLY if he's worthy of it. Once he figures out who he must be, he is given his power back, and he returns to his Father's presence. Just like Thor, each and every one of us has the potential to become like our Eternal Father if we strive to become worthy of that. Powerful message.

   2. I've been very anti-social lately. It feels like, no matter how many friends I'm surrounded with, I always have this sense of being completely alone. Like I don't quite fit in right now. I've described it as feeling like a leftover puzzle piece. There's just no place I fit right now. And that isn't anybody's fault, it's just a passing phase, I'm sure. And if it isn't, then oh well.

   3. Along with this anti-social behavior is a bi-polar, see-saw effect on my views of the opposite gender. Some days, I'm girl-crazy and want to ask for numbers and dates left and right. However, most of my days are domineered by a brooding, slightly sexist view of women. Not at all a healthy behavior, but there's little else I can do at the moment. I feel like I'm going to remain stuck here for a very long time.

   4. The Book of Mormon is amazing. I love reading from its pages. It is a true testament of the living Christ and His Atonement. It testifies of a living God. I know it's true.

And that's all I came to ramble and rant on.

The end.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Two years off from a quarter of a century. Holy cow.

Today was my birthday. It's strange, probably a continued side effect of the mission, but... it didn't feel like my birthday. I went for a lame run this morning, went to class, then spent the rest of the day performing ignorance-level maintenance on a very important electrical device... the XBOX 360. Electrical engineering is definitely another interest for me. Chalk up another random career possibility. As if I'm not confused enough about my future...

Anyway, in keeping with my love of lists, here's my list for my 23rd birthday...

A. Although I do kind of enjoy my new calling, I will miss teaching each month, and I'll continue to enjoy my new calling as long as people don't tell me to get married, or call me daddy.

B. Being 23 isn't a huge deal, but... it's been kind of a waypoint for me.

C. Cause 23 has always been my favorite and lucky number.

D. Deadlines have been the bane of my existence.

E. Except when they're deadlines for work or church.

F. Forest fires; only you can stop em.

G. Growing up is overrated.

H. Happy endings are often overrated as well; however, we should still strive for them.

I. In case of fire, run around screaming.

J. Just how many times does the Lord have to chastise me before I get it right?

K. "Kill" is another great song by Jimmy Eat World, much like the link I posted above.

L. Life is worth living.

M. My, my, my, what do we have here?

Okay, that list is moderately lame. Let's try a smaller one:

1. Now what should I do? Too many options for a career.

2. I really want to get a phone number from this particular girl. She's a waitress at the IHOP by the stake center. Just scared out of my wits about that one, because it's been SOOOO long since I've asked a girl for her number. Oh well, gotta "gird up my loins" and just do it.

3. I feel the predators circling and closing in...

That is all. Happy birthday to me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How the "Information Age" is Choking Our Society... and What Should We Do?

Very in-depth title, no? That's exactly where my mind takes me today... a rather heady draught.

"In the place of Truth we have discovered facts; for moral absolutes we have substituted moral ambiguity. We now communicate with everyone and say absolutely nothing. We have reconstructed the Tower of Babel and it is a television antenna. A thousand voices producing a daily parody of democracy; in which everyone's opinion is afforded equal weight, regardless of substance or merit. Indeed, it can even be argued that opinions of real weight tend to sink with barely a trace of television's ocean banalities.

Our society finds Truth too strong a medicine to digest undiluted. In its purest form Truth is not a polite tap on the shoulder; it is a hallowing reproach." - Ted Koppel

How true this is. In this age of facts, figures, statistics, and data, how attentive are we to what is really going on in our world? It seems the never-ending sleaze of film, music, video games, television, and the internet are clouding our vision (see 1 Nephi 8), and quite often can make us lose our way altogether, becoming lost on forbidden (or forgotten) paths in life. Let me try to illuminate light on my points.

Rather than a banquet of good information, we are currently gorging ourselves on an all-you-can-eat buffet of both bad and good; mostly bad. At the Golden Corral of information, we are infatuated with the desert bar and the fried foods. For instance, on the same web page (or radio station, or television channel, take your pick), I can find news headlines about the conflict in Libya, politicians' opinions (from both sides of the fence) on immigration reform, and Catherine Zeta-Jones' bipolar disorder battle. Guess which one gets the most facetime on screen/air? If you guessed Catherine Zeta-Jones, you get a gold star.

Not that there's anything wrong with Catherine Zeta-Jones. Heck, she was one of the main reasons I've seen several movies (Mask of Zorro, The Terminal, and I would love to see her in Micheal Scott's "Threat Level: Midnight"). But to compare a "here today, forgotten tomorrow" celebrity's private psyche battles with a very real, very destructive and volatile conflict in Libya... One side lacks real clout.

The problem I'm getting at is that, in spite of up-to-date news correspondence and instantaneous communication power... nobody cares. At least, the majority of the public doesn't care.

I find I don't even really care. I have very little to no idea of the real story going on in Libya. Frankly, because I'm tired. I'm tired of having to sift through all the hidden agendas, the politically correct quagmire that our "Information Age" has foisted upon us. Because of the way I've embedded myself in social networking and techno gadgetry, I've become a sheep. A part of the herd.

It's not all my fault, though. Nowadays, if a news story isn't a 5-minute soundbyte, or a 2-minute video clip, who honestly pays attention? If an article takes up more than what would be, in print, approximately two pages, why bother reading it? If it takes too much brainpower to capture the media's point, then it's obviously not worth it. And why bother even looking at the news, when one is too busy scouring facebook for old friends that you probably won't talk to once your "friends" anyway? (My opinion - they need an "Add as an Acquaintance" option)

All forms of audiovisual media are to blame. They prey upon the fact that the human mind is lazy, and craves having information HANDED to it, already interpreted so that we don't have to do it. Rather than sifting and searching through this ocean of thought and consciousness roiling before us for healthy, fulfilling Truth, we opt for the pre-digested, nutrient deficient gruel in front of us. Because it's easier. Because that's what we are bombarded with, day in and day out, on our screens, earphones, and speakers. People don't learn anything anymore; thanks to google, we can have all the answers (even the wrong ones) handed to us on an LCD platter. Heaven forbid we open up a book or a newspaper; I'm too busy IMing, tweeting, and stalking on facebook to read!

Now I'm not saying technology and information is evil, and I'm also not saying that these problems are solely relegated to this time and this place in Earth's history. What I am saying is that we, as a human race, need to wake up. We, as children of God (oh my, religion, another problem for society), need to wake up. Much easier said than done, and I'm not even sure I'll be successful doing that personally. But I do know I'd prefer to have Truth in my life than what happened on Jersey Shore's last episode, or what Michelle Obama served at the President's Super Bowl party. Yikes.

So in the midst of this technological jumble, this "Tower of Babel", to quote Mr. Koppel, what is to be done? I certainly know nothing that I do will make any kind of effect. I doubt that this blog will be read by more than five people, honestly. But what can be done? Well, to start, nothing.

The only way to counteract this flow of corrupted information that is going by at blistering speeds is to slow down. That's right, slow down. Stop. Think. Think for yourself. I've been learning to do this in English class. Whether from just caution or panicky paranoia, I have been keeping an eye out for liberalistic undertones in my English classes. And they have NOT been lacking. From illegal immigration, to sweatshop disputes, to environmental issues, there have been plenty of opportunities for my classmates and I to become drenched in political agendas, from both sides (mainly liberal, though *shudder*). In this wilderness, I've been practicing my innate ability to play "Devil's advocate" (something that probably has led to the demise of many friendships and relationships in my life, haha). When most of these issues are looked at slowly, and in a deliberate manner, one can often spot connections or inconsistencies.

Finally, I think the best thing that can be done is to just live the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know, more moral and religious vicissitudes from my end. But honestly, the best thing any individual can do is slow down, wait, and concentrate on the most important things in life. Hopefully, this modern-day William Randolph Hearst free-for-all will simmer down.

Then, I can blog and facebook in peace...

Friday, April 8, 2011

By the numbers...

Since I've come home from my mission:

0 - Number of goals I've achieved

1 - Number of relationships

2 - Choices for a major that I can't decide on (Music or Dietetics?)

3 - Times I've publicly performed music

4 - Ways I've improved myself so far

5 - Movies I will never watch again

6 - Opportunities that I haven't taken, for one reason or another

7 - Months I've missed my mission

8 - Days of the week I'm still happy, in spite of setbacks

9 - New songs I've written

10 - Can't think of anything

11 - Pounds I want to lose by July

12 - Weeks. That's all.

13 - Tracks on the Matchbox Twenty CD I'm listening to

14 - Weeks we've spent in 2011

15 - Credit hours I'd really like to take next year

16 - Reasons to move

17 - Reasons not to move

18 - Days til my birthday

19 - I've got nothing

20 - My age the last time I knew what I was doing. Sigh... I miss my mission...

21 - Age required to own a handgun. Should I?

22 - Current age

23 - My age in less than three weeks (and a great song by Jimmy Eat World)

Life isn't too bad, is it?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What everybody says...

Live life without regret. I've heard that so often, it makes me dizzy. Society seems bent on proclaiming that we shouldn't regret past decisions, because we are the way we are. "Accept yourself," the world proclaims, "live your life for yourself."

At first glance, these statements appear true and helpful. After all, shouldn't I be able to accept myself, of all people? It's my life, shouldn't I live it for me? And a regret-free life sounds wonderful. But, I think these statements are a little more poisonous than can be seen on the surface.

Live life without regret. Regret is defined as "to be very sorry for". Regret is most often felt for mistakes, or actions that prove harmful. Sorrow is a natural by-product of a mistake, and we all make mistakes. Denying this regret means denying any mistake, which cheapens the learning experience. I believe the key is to live life without allowing regret to rule you. The important thing about making mistakes is to learn from them, and move on. But don't ever deny that they happened.

Accept yourself. It's been said that "in order to love, you must first learn to love yourself", which is probably true. But there is a great deal of difference between love and acceptance. I can love a person convicted of murder, but that does not mean that I accept his actions or his person. The same is true in reverse; one can fully accept somebody, but not truly love them. If there is anything about my character that is flawed, my first instinct should be to improve upon it, not to cover it up by "accepting" it. Arguments such as "I was made this way" or "it's just who I am" hold absolutely no water, because truly, we become what we do. If I focus on doing selfish things, I become selfish. If I focus on making selfless choices, I become a selfless person. The structure of human personality is so layered and complex, and it is constantly changing. Everyday, we change a little bit, whether we or others notice it. And in these changes, we become what we want to be. I guess what I'm saying is; accept where you are at right now, but don't settle for that in the future. Expect to become more than you currently are.

Finally, live life for yourself. What made me think of this was a bumper sticker I saw today that held a quote by Albert Einstein. He said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." That statement is true. Albeit there are things that one must do for oneself, such as a job, food, shelter, clothing, etc. But living life for yourself? What a selfish, lonely concept. I think that the teachings of the Savior are best at illuminating this topic. In the 16th chapter of Matthew's testimony, the Savior teaches that "whosoever will save his (or her) life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his (or her) life for my sake shall find it." Note that "lose" or "save" does not necessarily mean death or life. One that loses their life by giving it to God will find that they have become much more than they were before. Their life (or worth) becomes easier to find because there's so much more of them! They live their lives for others' sakes, and especially for the Savior's sake, and they become more worthwhile.

Just some thoughts that I had. I know my voice is small, but I figured the best I can do is make my beliefs known.